Welcome, fans of dolls!

In my childhood I dreamt to be movie cartoonist, but life has disposed differently...

Being in the technology of the food-processing industry by education, I learned by mysefl on the artist. As far as I remember, I always drew, sewed, moulded, knitted, spun from beads... commonly did not give rest to my hands. It was not important of what to make for me. To a course there was all: from rags of a fabric to stoppers from champagne. It is like magic, when from shapeless, absolutely "Anything" unsuitable for creativity something allocated turns out something having character, spirit, soul.

I do not like to talk about my dolls. It is more intereting for me to listen to what others think about them. Not from the estimation point of view... I craft them not for success and recognition. It is pleasuse to me when in my dolls people recognice themselves or know people for them.

I remember how at en exhibition "Art Arena 2008" one lady stayed before my doll "Toward to the sun" continuosly bothering her husband: "Kolya! It's realy me!!!" And the same doll was compleetly devorce by others visitors of the exposition: "Faugh! It's so vulgar and trite!" And... all them were right. Everyone sees only he want to see, but nobody remines indifferent.

My dolls - usual characters peeped in an usual life, by which we pass every day without noticing. They are not heroes of fantastic illusions, they are natural... Like a short instant after which it seems to me that a doll should breath in, turn, change a pose, look away... My dolls are a little dissymetric, without luxury and the glamour lustre, not adhered to to place and time.

In work on a doll it is possible to embody itself at once in several forms. Here you are both the sculptor, and the artist, both the seamstress, and the furrier, both the hairdresser, and the stylist, and the director. After all it is not enough to give to a doll human shape. It should be dressed still, to allocate with character and the small strangenesses, inherent in all live to beings.

I do not use purchased accessories in work, I do all by myself from the beginning and to the end. And also I make dolls in the single copy. It is very important point for me. To repeat a doll, it is necessary to return that spirit, those thoughts, state of mind when the doll only arose on light. And I do not love to return the past... Even if asked to repeat pleasant model, I do not do it for ideological reasons.

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